14 octobre 2014

HORIZONS – A project for music performance

Elektramusic is associated to the creation of  « Horizons »  by  company Médiane, directed by Catherine Sombsthay, who embarks itself and the audience on an electroacoustic music travel on works of Danish composer Hans Peter Stubbe Teglbjaerg. Catherine Sombsthay proposes with Horizons to visualise on stage the compositions of Hans Peter Stubbe Teglbjærg by manipulating a travel machine inspired and build by the painter Pierre Gattoni. A moment of moving paintings ponctuated by “true” stories written by storyteller Matthieu Epp, evoking voyage and ambiances of the North.

The music
“ …Among the music I take with me, there is a series of short pieces consisting of sounds collected by Hans Peter all around the world. I keep four of these pieces for their reflections on these special trips…” Catherine Sombsthay.

The music of Hans Peter Stubbe Teglbjærg evokes vastness, wind, movement and distances. It puts the audiance inside the sounds and activates listening. Some sounds may scroll over the head, others will move along.
The manipulator is the guide and interpreter of the music and evolves the landscape seen on stage to allow the listener to become spectator and follow it’s own way of listening.

The travel machine
« …to slide on the music we need a raft… »

The plastic universe of the painter Pierre Gattoni, lines and abstract landscapes, is unique to materialize the layered music, punctuated by accents to highlight hypnosis.
A travel instrument is built. Composed by pictures that can be manipulated in all directions and make motions like a solo sailer who makes with every gesture a plastic manipulative interpretation of the music. Associated with light projection it makes the lines vibrate. By evocating abstract landscapes this instrument, seemingly simple but infinitely rich in it’s possibilities, a support to listen and travel.


Download the complete file

Creative team

Hans Peter Stubbe Teglbjærg: musical composition
Catherine Sombsthay: concept and performer Pierre Gattoni: scenographic design
Matthieu Epp: collaborative playwriting
Benoit Fincker: light design
Paul Clouvel: music and sound advisor
Alice Godfroy/Régine Westenhoeffer: advisors
Gertrud Exner: french-danish traduction
Marie-Laurence Lesprit: production
Patrick Leprêtre: diffusion