18 août 2015
Music blog

Prizes Destellos Competition

Foundation Destellos – VIII° Competition in Electroacoustic music

(Extract of results of the VIII electroacoustic composition contest.)

After arduous deliberations and analysis of the selected works, the jury –composed by Pete Stollery, Panayiotis Kokoras, Ingrid Drese, Jens Hedman, and Mario Mary – just announced the results of the VIII electroacoustic composition contest.

The large participation and the variety of styles and aesthetics made it difficult to determine the rewards. The results obtained were:

First prizes in the two categories were not attributed.

Second Prizes in category Acousmatic :
« Un cercle hors de l’arbre » by Gilles Gobeil and
« Ventriloquy » by Andrew Babcock

Second Prize in mixed media:
« La sonrisa de una lagrima » by Demian Rudel Rey

Mentions in acousmatic music :
« The cup of plenty » by David Hindmarch
« frostbYte Wildflower » by Daniel Blinkhorn
« Tout autour de la montagne » by Louise Rossiter
« Ballistichory » by Nikos Stavropoulos

Mention in Mixed media:
« Soliton » by Keita Matsumiya

Nominations in acousmatic music:
« Devorer l’espace »  by Alexis Langevin-Tétrault
« Neshamah » by Joao Pedro Oliveira

Nomination in Mixed media:
« Hiperestesia »  by Juan Mollo